Dr. Yuri A. Tijerino, Our center’s director, will present at Science Agora 2021 symposium, an online event organized by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) on November 4, 2021.
The session “Let’s learn about international collaboration with EU and Japanese scientists!” organized by the Delegation of the European Union to Japan will incorporate a presentation by Dr. TIjerino about FASTER project, jointly funded by EU Horizon 2020 and JST’s SICORP.
Dr. TIjerino’s presentation on English will focus on our DLT AIngle, developed as a part of FASTER project, and its future application.
Pre-register is required. Q&A session will follow the presentation.
We a looking forward to your participation.
No.04-B13 Thursday, November 4th. 13:00-15:00 (Japan Standard Time)
Let’s learn about international collaboration with EU and Japanese scientists!
Delegation of the European Union to Japan